How To Air-condition Racquetball Court The Air Condition Is My Mitsubishi Lancer Only Gives Cold Air When I Start Driving?


The air condition is my Mitsubishi lancer only gives cold air when I start driving? - how to air-condition racquetball court

The air conditioning is my Mitsubishi Lancer is just cold air when I will take the wheel, rather than unity, the less cold air until it works like a fan (no cold air all) if someone could tell me what is the Problem? Although my car is new (), the 2004-model.


sean C said...

I had the same problem recently with my car. It is likely that one of two things: Her short coolant / oil or compressor clutch is wrong. In any case, some engineers could easily say what exactly caused the problem. Someone had a bit of both. This is the first 5 minutes or so to begin to circulate the air in the cabin. Sometimes I have heard what I thought was the reputation of the band, but it was the clutch of the compressor.

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